Sensilo – The new JUMO plant in the Technology Park Fulda West
Sensilo plant

The factory of the future

At a cost of 48 million euro, the new building in the Fulda West Technology Park is the largest investment in JUMO's history. As such, it successfully sets the course for the future. After all, around 13,000 m² of manufacturing area will be available in the future for the production of temperature and pressure sensors. There's a wind of change when it comes to innovation, digitization, and sustainability in the new plant. Take a look behind the scenes of this exciting construction project with us!

Your window to the construction site

Our construction site photo is updated daily and reflects the latest status at Fulda West Technology Park .



Construction progress in a matter of seconds

The time-lapse video shows the impressive transformation from the groundbreaking ceremony to the planned completion. In no time at all the construction site comes to life and the building takes shape. Start the time travel now!

Construction site record

4/2023 Groundbreaking ceremony
6/2023 Completion of concrete walls (construction phase 1), completion of base plate (cp 2), completion of underground construction and soil amelioration measures (cp 3), installation of concrete piles into the ground, concreting of sprinkler tank walls
7/2023 Laying of basement ceilings (cp 1), construction of walls (cp 2), completion of base plate (cp 3), completion of ground works (parking lot)
10/2023 Begin of facade work, begin of wooden structure installation, begin of technical building equipment installation in basement
11/2023 Begin of trapezoidal sheets installation, begin of roof waterproofing, topping-out ceremony
12/2023 Begin of sprinkler line installation, completion of wooden structure installation
01/2024 Completion of trapezoidal sheets installation

Minimal COfootprint

The current plans aim to completely eliminate fossil fuels in the future. A geothermal plant is to be used for heating support. This will cover the peak load while the base load will be met entirely by heat recovery from the production processes. A corresponding application for the geothermal plant is currently still under review.

Electricity requirements for the production facilities will be largely covered by the company's own electricity. The cooling and ventilation systems of the new plant will be predominantly operated with self-generated electricity from a photovoltaic system. Overall, all energy-related processes are geared toward reducing the CO2 footprint to a minimum and making full use of the available energy.

Picture Gallery

Numbers – Data – Facts

  • Utilization: production hall with cleanroom, logistics hall, administration on the production premises
  • Construction: ferroconcrete frame construction with wooden roof structure
  • Floors: 3
  • Building dimensions: approx. 135.74 × 63.78 m

Do you have any questions?

Michael Brosig

Company Spokesperson

Michael Brosig +49 661 6003 2788 +49 661 6003 2788